Patient female, 7 years old. In July 1996, (?) toothache, followed by swelling of the same side of the cheek. X-ray two consecutive radiographs were diagnosed as right mandibular osteomyelitis; have two lines of open myelopathy Surgery, the effect is poor. During the course of the disease, there was pain in the left thigh, gradually relieved, and found a hard mass in the left thigh. He came to our hospital for dental treatment on November 22, 1996. Admission examination: normal vital signs , The general condition is good. The right face is obviously swollen. The right lower jaw is about 1.5cm x 1.5cm with 2 lymph nodes. There is no tenderness, quality, toughness and activity. There is a wound about 3mm long incision and drainage in the right submandibular, and it is inflammatory. The granulation tissue uplift. (?) Open pulp, (?) Shallow. Liver in the ribs 3cm, 10cm below the xiphoid can be palpable, tenderness, medium texture, smooth surface. The inner thigh can reach about a 4cm × 6cm package Block, hard, fixed, no tenderness. White blood cells 9.5×10 9/L, neutral 0.685 lymph 0.315, red blood cells 4.34×10 12/L, platelets 408×10 9/L, ESR 60 mm/h, AKP181Iu/L, normal liver function. Multiple x-rays suggest osteomyelitis of the right mandible and the left femur. During hospitalization, a large number of lymph nodes were found behind the ear and in the left supraclavicular fossa, with one in the ear. About 3cm × 3cm, quality and tough, smooth surface, is fixed, tenderness, right eye canthus has a mass of about 1cm × 0.5cm, hard, no tenderness, inactive. Press twice "right