立足新起点 把握新要求 实现新作为——学习郭声琨书记“新春寄语领导干部”的体会

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今年新春,自治区党委书记郭声琨通过《广西日报》寄语全区领导干部,要求大家立足广西发展的新起点,解放思想,锐意进取,不辱使命,不负重托,奋力开创广西各项工作新局面。这是自治区党委着眼于更好地贯彻落实党的十七大精神和胡锦涛总书记在广西考察工作时的重要讲话精神,在新的起点上推动广西科学发展、加快发展,对全区领导干部提出的新要求。我们要把学习贯彻郭声琨同志的“新春寄语”作为加强领导干部思想政治和作风能力建设的一项重要工作来抓,与当前正在开展的继续解放思想大讨论活动紧密结合起来,清醒认识广西发展面临的新形势、新任务和领导干部肩负的新使命,努力在继续解放思想和履行职责使命上实现新的作为,推动全区经济社会科学发展、加快发展。 In the spring of this year, Guo Shengkun, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, addressed the leading cadres throughout the region through the “Guangxi Daily News” and urged everyone to base their efforts on a new starting point for the development of Guangxi, emancipate their minds, forge ahead with determination, do their job and do their job. This is the spirit of the party committees in the autonomous region that better implement the spirit of the 17th National Party Congress and the important speech made by General Secretary Hu Jintao in his inspection tour in Guangxi. He urged Guangxi to promote scientific development and accelerate development from a new starting point. He proposed to the leading cadres in the region New requirement We must take Comrade Guo Shengkun’s study of “New Year’s Message” as an important task in strengthening the ideological, political, and capacity-building of leading cadres and closely cooperate with the ongoing ongoing discussions on emancipating the mind to clearly recognize Guangxi The new situation and tasks it faces, the new mission the leading cadres shoulder, and strive to achieve new tasks in the emancipation of the mind and the fulfillment of their duties and missions, so as to promote the economic and social sciences development and the acceleration of development in the region.
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