Quantitative description of infrared radiation characteristics for solid materials subjected to exte

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuweijie2009
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Based on the thermodynamics theory and physical micro-properties of solid materials subjected to external loading at room temperature,a formula of calculating temperature difference of infrared radiation in terms of the sum of three principal strains was deduced to quantitatively investigate the infrared radiation characteristics in test. Two typical specimens,the three-point bending beam and the disc pressed in diameter,were tested and their principal strains were calculated by finite element method in order to obtain the temperature differences of infrared radiation. Numerical results are in a good agreement with test results,which verifies the validity of the formula of calculating temperature differences of infrared radiation and the model of quantitatively describing the infrared radiation characteristics of solid materials,and reveals the corresponding inner physical mechanism. Based on the thermodynamics theory and physical micro-properties of solid materials subjected to external loading at room temperature, a formula of calculating temperature difference of infrared radiation in terms of the sum of three principal strains was deduced to quantitatively investigate the infrared radiation characteristics in test Two typical specimens, the three-point bending beam and the disc pressed in diameter, were tested and their principal strains; were obtained by finite element method in order to obtain the temperature differences of infrared radiation. results, which verifies the validity of the formula of calculating temperature differences of infrared radiation and the model of quantitatively describing the infrared radiation characteristics of solid materials, and reveals the corresponding inner physical mechanism.
<正> 这里介绍的铁甲胄资料,是1986年冬天邺城考古队在河北省临漳县境内邺南城古城址的朱明门外城壕中发掘所得。这批铁甲胄标本发现于城壕的底部,距现地表深约3米,一块块散乱地分布在20余平方米的范围内。与铁甲胄同时出土的有剑、镞等铁制兵器,还有一些卵石、瓦片、陶器等物(发掘简报
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