五、设备的选择 2.135相机 对于不以摄影为业的建筑师来说,135相机才是绝对的首选品种。135相机不仅价格低、操作简单,而且体积小、携带方便、不引人注目,胶卷也要便宜得多。由于135相机拥有庞大的用户群,向来是市场上的主打产品,所以,生产商在这一领域对市场份额的争夺尤为激烈。新产品、新功能象走马灯一样转来换去层出不穷,看起来令人眼花缭乱。但不论相机的功能如何翻新,花
Fifth, the choice of equipment 2.135 camera For photography not for the architect, 135 camera is the absolute preferred species. 135 camera not only low prices, simple operation, and small size, easy to carry, unobtrusive, film is much cheaper. As the 135 camera has a large user base, has always been the market’s flagship product, so manufacturers in this area is particularly fierce market share. New products, new features like the same as the lights to change to an endless stream, it seems dazzling. But no matter how the function of the camera renovation, flowers