目的 :探讨病人自控镇痛PCEA预防前列腺切除术后继发性出血的效果和安全性。 方法 :60例前列腺切除术后患者随机分成PCEA组 ,对照组各 3 0例 ,PCEA组经硬外导管与PCA微量泵相连 ,连续给药 ,对照组出现疼痛时肌肉注射度冷丁 5 0mg或其他解痉镇痛药 ,记录各组患者血尿情况 ,停止冲洗时间等。 结果 :PCEA组与对照组相比具有镇痛效果显著、冲洗时间短、出血明显减少的优点。 结论 :PCEA对前列腺切除术后预防继发性出血效果良好 ,安全可靠等优点
Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of patient controlled analgesia (PCEA) in preventing secondary hemorrhage after prostatectomy. Methods: Sixty patients undergoing prostatectomy were randomly divided into PCEA group (30 cases) and control group (30 cases). PCEA group was connected with PCA micropump by external catheter and continuously administered. In the control group, Antispasmodic analgesics, records of patients with hematuria, stop washing time. Results: PCEA group compared with the control group has significant analgesic effect, flushing time is short, the advantages of significantly reduced bleeding. Conclusion: PCEA is effective in preventing secondary hemorrhage after prostatectomy and is safe and reliable