
来源 :中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colala2001
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月球重力场是揭示月球内部结构和物质组成的重要信息,探测月球重力场仍然是绕月探测任务中的重要科学目标之一.在已有月球重力场模型基础上,利用嫦娥一号探测数据,并结合“月女神”一号探测器、月球勘察者(LP)及早期月球探测器轨道跟踪数据,本文解算得到了高精度月球重力场模型CEGM02(100阶次),在CEGM01月球重力场模型基础上对模型进行了优化.对新模型的分析结果表明,嫦娥一号卫星轨道跟踪数据的融入,使得对月球重力场长波长部分的解算精度有显著提高,相比于SGM100h模型在5阶以内精度提高约2倍,在10阶以内有明显贡献,在20阶内都有贡献.初步判断这是由于嫦娥一号卫星轨道动量轮卸载的频度不足“月女神”的1/4,而同时轨道相对较高所导致.文中结合CEGM02和激光测月观测结果解算了月球平均转动惯量0.393446(±0.000006),对月球内部构造研究提供了更强的约束. Lunar gravity field is to reveal the internal structure and material composition of the lunar important information to explore the lunar gravity field is still one of the important scientific goals of lunar exploration mission.On the basis of the existing lunar gravity field model, the use of Chang’e exploration data, Combined with the track data of Moon Goddess 1, LP and early lunar probe, this paper calculated the CGA model of the lunar gravity field CEGM02 (100 orders) The model is optimized based on the model.The analysis of the new model shows that the integration of orbit tracking data of Chang’e I satellite significantly improves the resolution accuracy of the long wavelength part of the lunar gravity field compared to the SGM100h model Order within the accuracy of about 2 times, within 10 orders have a significant contribution, in the 20th order have contributed to the initial judgment This is due to the Chang’e I orbit momentum wheel unloading frequency less “Goddess ” 1 / 4, while at the same time, the orbit is relatively high.According to the results of CEGM02 and laser lunar measurements, the average lunar inertia of 0.393446 (± 0.000006) is solved, which provides a stronger approximation to the study of lunar internal structure .