
来源 :黑龙江医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyangyingzi
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我院近两年来,对小儿肺炎会并心衰,经一般治疗及洋地黄制剂治疗不能奏效者,加用辅酶Q10治疗获得满意效果。现报导如下。1一般资料男6例,女3例,年龄0~12月5例,~2岁3例,~3岁1例。2治疗方法本组在综合治疗基础上加用辅酶QI。肌注,smp/l次,l次用,3~5天为一疗程。3疗 In the past two years in our hospital, children with pneumonia and heart failure, the general treatment and treatment of digitalis can not be effective, plus coenzyme Q10 treatment to obtain satisfactory results. Now reported as follows. 1 General Information 6 males and 3 females, age 0 ~ December in 5 cases, ~ 2 years in 3 cases, ~ 3 years old in 1 case. 2 treatment in this group on the basis of comprehensive treatment with coenzyme QI. Intramuscular injection, smp / l times, l times, 3 to 5 days for a course of treatment. 3 treatment
各有关单位 :《国家科委关于科研条件发展“九五”计划和 2 0 1 0年远景目标纲要》指出 :“要特别注意对现有进口仪器的改造升级 ,对覆盖面广、国内已经掌握了关键技术的仪器
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先天性左心耳瘤 (left atrial appendage aneurysm )是罕见的心脏畸形 ,我们收治 1例 ,报告如下。1 病历简介女 ,12岁。因劳力性心悸 ,气促 3个月余入院。发育营养状况尚好