戴叔伦"中进士第",唐人诸书均不载,南宋晁公武《郡斋读书志》始肇其端。蒋寅先生提出戴叔伦"中进士第"的主要依据是"晁氏藏有戴叔伦全部著作"和衢本《郡斋读书志》所提及的"集有马总叙"。兼以《文苑英华》中收戴叔伦《晓闻长乐钟声》一诗作为其进士及第的旁证。而通过对史料的分析考察可以发现,前两者均无法成为戴叔伦"中进士第"的有力证据;《晓闻长乐钟声》是否为"省试"题目也大可怀疑。在此基础上,结合戴叔伦同时人梁肃、权德舆及五代人王定保的记载,能够得出其并非进士出身的结论。“,”None of the books in Tang Dynasty presented the fact that Dai Shulun was an advanced scholar.Chao Gongwu in Song Dynasty mentioned it firstly.Jiang Yin believes that Dai Shulun is an advanced scholar based on the fact that Chao Gongwu collected all of Dai's works and that Ma Zong prologued his poetry.However,all of these can not become strong evidence that Dai Shulun was an advanced scholar.Through analysis of recordation of contemporary,we can draw a conclusion that Dai Shulun was not an advanced scholar.