Parsons’s functionalism dominated the world of sociology in the mid-twentieth century, so that former president Davis of the American Association of Sociological Societies half jokingly said in 1959 that functionalist analysis is the same as sociology . However, it was also during this year that Mills launched the challenge to Parsons with his delightful “sociological imagination.” Parsons was generally thrown aside by the sociology community in the seventies after a fiery, violent attack in the 1960s. S. Seidman recalls that when he studied sociology in college in the 1970s, the teacher never designated him to read Parsons’ book. What he knew at the time was Gouldner’s " Attack on Parsons in the Crisis in Western Sociology. In that case, the era of Parsons of sociology is long gone, and now we live in a loud, postmodern society. Who else is interested in whipping Corpus Parsons?