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近年,在气候变化、灌溉模式、田间管理方式等诸多因素的综合作用下,枸杞实蝇的危害情况呈现出区域性、差异化发生的态势。宁夏农林科学院植保所有机枸杞课题组围绕枸杞产业发展中的技术需求,将枸杞实蝇的生物学习性与综合防治作为研究工作的重点,着力解决枸杞实蝇蔓延危害的生产问题,联合有关单位共同开展了枸杞实蝇的诱捕试验研究,并取得初步进展。枸杞实蝇以成虫产卵于果皮内,自 In recent years, under the combined action of many factors such as climate change, irrigation patterns and field management methods, the harm situation of fruit fly of Lycium barbarum presents a regional and differentiated trend. Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Plant Protection Plant Wolfberry Group on the technical requirements of the Chinese wolfberry industry development, the wolfberry fruit flies biological habits and comprehensive prevention and control as the focus of research efforts to address the wolfberry fruit fly spread damage to the production of the joint common units A pilot study on the fruit flies of Lycium barbarum was carried out and preliminary progress was made. Wolfberry fruit fly to adult eggs in the pericarp, since