
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nhb
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目的:了解广州市8个城区和深圳市6个城区流动人口生殖健康服务利用的影响因素,为制定促进流动人口生殖健康服务利用的干预措施提供依据。方法:采用完全随机和整群抽样相结合的方法对外来务工人员进行问卷调查,利用SPSS 12.0统计软件对数据进行描述性分析和对应分析。结果:获取有效问卷4 332份,深圳市1 859人,广州市2 473人。流动人口平均年龄为28.81岁,56%为30岁以下。暂住城市、人群类别、对生殖健康检查场所及计生政策的知晓度是流动人口获得生殖健康检查的主要影响因素;暂住城市、人群类别、务工时间、文化程度、受孕知识是流动人口获得避孕方法指导的主要影响因素;暂住城市、文化程度、对免费避孕药具场所的知晓度是流动人口获得免费避孕药具的影响因素;暂住城市、年龄、务工时间、文化程度及对计划生育服务政策的了解程度是流动人口查孕、查环的影响因素。结论:流动人口对生殖健康服务利用不高,各级计划生育服务机构需加强生殖健康知识宣传及提供全方位的服务,激发流动人口对自身生殖健康服务的需求。 Objective: To understand the influencing factors of reproductive health service utilization of floating population in 8 urban districts of Guangzhou and 6 urban districts of Shenzhen, and to provide the basis for formulating interventions to promote the utilization of reproductive health services of floating population. Methods: A completely randomized and cluster sampling method was used to carry out a questionnaire survey of migrant workers, using SPSS 12.0 statistical software descriptive analysis of the data and the corresponding analysis. Results: A total of 4 332 valid questionnaires were obtained, 1 859 in Shenzhen and 2 473 in Guangzhou. The average age of migrants is 28.81 years and 56% are under 30 years of age. Temporary cities, population groups, awareness of reproductive health check-up sites and family planning policies are the main influencing factors for migrant workers to get reproductive health check-in. Temporary cities, population groups, working hours, educational level and knowledge of pregnancy are among the floating population Methodological guidance of the main factors; temporary city, education level, awareness of free contraceptives place is the floating population to obtain free contraceptives influencing factors; temporary city, age, working hours, education level and family planning The level of understanding of service policies is the influencing factor for the pregnant population and ring check of floating population. Conclusion: Floating population is not good at using reproductive health services. Family planning service agencies at all levels need to step up publicity on reproductive health knowledge and provide a full range of services to stimulate the floating population’s demand for their own reproductive health services.
目的 探讨糖化血红蛋白(Hb A1c)、血清胱抑素C(Cys-C)及尿微量清蛋白(U-m Alb)联合检测在糖尿病早期肾损伤中的应用价值。方法 选取2型糖尿病患者116例,根据尿蛋白定性检测结果分为