目的 了解东莞市南城区使用苯及其化合物企业职业病危害现状 ,为预防和控制职业病危害的发生提供依据。方法 制定《使用苯及其化合物企业现状调查表》对辖区内使用苯及其化合物企业进行劳动卫生学调查。结果 88间使用苯及其化合物企业主要集中在制鞋业 (5 5间 ,占6 2 5 % )和家具制造业 (17间 ,占 19 3% ) ;88间企业中使用合格粘胶剂的企业为 4 5 5 % ,设有危害警示标志的为 2 9 5 % ,车间有毒无毒分开的为 5 5 7% ,配备有效抽送风排毒设施的为 5 9 1% ,能提供车间有害物质检测报告的为 4 5 5 % ,有劳保用品的为 6 3 6 %。劳动者健康监护方面 :上岗前的体检率为 35 9% ,在岗时的为 39 3% ,离岗时的为 7 3% ,无一企业建立起职业健康监护档案。实行“三同时”验收的企业仅为 9 1%。结论 目前该区使用苯及其化合物企业的前期预防意识淡薄 ,劳动过程中的防护与管理不足 ,存在严重的职业病危害隐患 ,应加强《职业病防治法》的贯彻落实 ,保护劳动者的健康权益
Objective To understand the current situation of occupational hazards of benzene and its compounds in Nancheng District, Dongguan City, and provide a basis for prevention and control of occupational hazards. Method Development “Use of benzene and its compounds business status questionnaire” on the use of benzene and its compounds in the area of labor hygiene survey. Results 88 enterprises using benzene and its compounds mainly concentrated in the footwear industry (55, accounting for 65.25%) and furniture manufacturing industry (19.3%), and 88 enterprises used qualified adhesives enterprise is 455% with a hazard warning sign is 295% non-toxic and poisonous separate workshop for 557% effective pumping with wind detoxification facility is 591%, to provide workshops for harmful substances 45.5% were reported, and 6,36% were for labor protection. Laborers’ health monitoring: Before going on employment, the rate of medical examination was 35.9%, 39.3% while on the job, and 73% when leaving office. None of the enterprises set up a file on occupational health care. The implementation of the “three simultaneous” acceptance of the business was only 9 1%. Conclusion Currently benzene and its compounds business district early prevention of poor awareness, lack of labor protection and management of the process, there is a serious risk of occupational hazards, should be strengthened to implement the “Occupational Disease Prevention Law” to protect workers’ health