卢氏县2013年农业综合开发土地治理区位于横涧乡,该乡是卢氏县的一个农业大乡,总面积251.50 km2,辖32个行政村,总人口31703人,耕地面积2428hm2。农作物以小麦、玉米、豆类为主;烟叶、林果、食用菌、中药材、劳务是群众主要经济来源,2011年全乡人均纯收入4411元。通过项目区的开发治理,区内将形成一个田间水利设施配套,农业结构合理,土地产出率高,生产条件完善的高效农业示范区,实现经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的同步发展,为横涧乡发展现代农业奠定坚实的基础,也有利于促进项目区各行政村进行社会主义新农村建设。
Lushi County 2013 comprehensive agricultural development land management area is located in Hengjian Township, the township is Lushi County, a large agricultural land, with a total area of 251.50 km2, administer 32 administrative villages, the total population of 31703 people, arable land area of 2428hm2. The main crops are wheat, corn and beans. Tobacco leaves, fruit trees, edible mushrooms, Chinese herbal medicines and labor services are the main sources of income for the masses. In 2011, the per capita net income of the township reached 4411 yuan. Through the development and management of the project area, a high-efficiency agricultural demonstration area with matching agricultural water conservancy facilities, reasonable agricultural structure, high land yield and perfect production conditions will be formed in the area to realize the simultaneous development of economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits. Hengjian rural development of modern agriculture to lay a solid foundation, but also conducive to promoting the administrative villages in the project area to carry out new socialist countryside construction.