瑞典皇家工学院(RIT)语言通讯和音乐声学系的两位研究人员于1980年11月访问我国时曾经报告过的文-语合成系统现已在国外投入生产,今简介如下: 早在1957年,瑞典斯德哥尔摩语言传输实验室就研制出OVE Ⅱ型语言合成器,它是由图案参数来控制,用时先要把导电墨水画在一张大塑料片上才成,虽
The text-to-speech synthesis system reported by two researchers at the Faculty of Speech and Music Acoustics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden (RIT) in November 1980 visited our country is now in production abroad. Here is a brief introduction: As early as 1957 , Stockholm, Sweden, language transmission laboratory to develop OVE Ⅱ language synthesizer, which is controlled by the pattern parameters, first when the conductive ink is drawn on a large piece of plastic film, though