肠内容物转运速度在胃肠生理学上很重 要,是胃肠症状的主要决定因素。粪便性状标度是一种判定肠转运速度的简单方法,但未在临床或研究中广泛应用,可能由于缺乏其随胃肠转运时间变化而改变的证据。本研究目的是评估Bristol粪便性状标度与肠转运时间改变之间的相关性。 方法:66名健康女性志愿者服不透光标记物小丸,根据粪中小丸数量测定全胃肠转运时间并测粪便重量,记录排便次数及粪便性状(按
The intestinal transit speed is important in gastrointestinal physiology and is a major determinant of gastrointestinal symptoms. The stool trait scale is a simple way to determine the intestinal transit speed but is not widely used clinically or in research and may be due to a lack of evidence of its change as a function of gastrointestinal transit times. The purpose of this study was to assess the correlation between the Bristol faecal trait scale and the change in intestinal transit time. Methods: Sixty-six healthy female volunteers received opaque marker pellets. Total intestine transit time was determined according to the number of pellets in the feces and the weight of feces was recorded. The number of stools and stool characteristics were recorded