1902年Bayliss等首先发现胰泌素以来,消化道激素的研究飞速发展。有些激素已能人工合成,并应用于临床。分泌激素的细胞除主要分布在胃肠道和肤腺(GEP系统)外,还见于垂体、甲状腺、肾上腙髓质等处。而且许多肽类激素同时在神经系统出现(肽能神经),故称为脑肠肽(Brain-Gut Peptide),而生长抑素就是第一个被发现的脑肠肽。
In 1902, Bayliss first discovered secretin, etc., the rapid development of the study of gastrointestinal hormones. Some hormones have been synthesized, and used in clinical. In addition to the main secretion of hormone-secreting cells in the gastrointestinal tract and the skin (GEP system), but also found in the pituitary, thyroid, mesonephrine medulla and so on. And many peptide hormones appear in the nervous system at the same time (peptide nerve), it is called brain-gut peptide (Brain-Gut Peptide), and somatostatin is the first discovered brain gut peptide.