就香稻施用有机无机缓控释肥的效果进行了试验。结果表明,施用有机无机缓控释肥,可比施等养分本地复混肥处理每667m2多收59kg干谷,增产14 82%,达极显著水平;比等养分的俄罗斯进口肥和无机包膜缓释肥,也表现出增产的趋势。考种和米质分析结果表明,香稻增产主要是增加了有效穗、结实率和千粒质量;米质提高主要是增加了蛋白质含量,香气浓郁,垩白变小,垩白粒大大减少。因此,有机无机缓控释肥有利于水稻优质高产高效和无公害水稻栽培。
The effect of applying organic and inorganic controlled release fertilizer on fragrant rice was tested. The results showed that the application of organic and inorganic controlled-release fertilizers, comparable application of nutrients such as local compound fertilizer per 667m2 overcharge 59kg dry valley, an increase of 14 82%, reaching a significant level; than the equivalent of Russian imports of nutrients and inorganic coated slow Fertilizer, also showed a trend of increasing production. Tests and rice quality analysis showed that the increase of yield of fragrant rice mainly increased the effective spike, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. The increase of rice quality mainly increased the protein content, the rich aroma, the smaller the chalkiness and the less chalky grain. Therefore, organic and inorganic controlled-release fertilizers are good for rice with high quality, high yield, high yield and pollution-free rice.