总所周知,消费类电子产品的新陈代谢非常快,从而制造垃圾的速度自然也相当快。越来越多的废塑料与金属堆积在垃圾场无法降解,如果燃烧则会造成更严重的环境污染。那么是否可以使用生物降解材料来代替电子产品的原材料呢?由中国台北的PEGA设计公司(PEGA Design &Engineering)设计,与日本东京北越制纸纪州纸业有限公司(Hokuetsu Kishu PaperCo.,Ltd.)联合研发的纸塑料合金(PaperPP Alloy)是一种用于笔记本的可部分回收
As we all know, the metabolism of consumer electronics products is very fast, resulting in the production of garbage naturally quite fast. More and more waste plastic and metal are accumulated in the landfill and can not be degraded. If it is burned, it will cause more serious environmental pollution. Is it possible to use biodegradable materials instead of raw materials for electronic products? Designed by PEGA Design & Engineering of Taipei, China, in collaboration with Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co., Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan The jointly developed Paper PP Alloy is a partially recyclable notebook