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2008年11月18日,中央电视台将迎来第十五届黄金资源广告招标。作为中央电视台影响中国经济的最核心载体,黄金资源广告招标已走过14个年头。这14年来,央视招标与广大企业并肩携手,一路相伴。14年来,中央电视台黄金资源广告招标见证了中国GDP的一路高涨,促进了人们的消费升级,培育了众多的新兴行业,成就了无数的企业品牌。14年来,中央电视台黄金资源广告招标在见证中国经济和企业成长的同时,自身也在与时俱进,根据市场变化、企业需求进行调整、创新。2009年,为优先满足招标企业对CCTV优质资源的整体需求,中央电视台广告部将2009年招标资源拓展为招标竞购资源和签约认购资源两部分。为了让读者对中央电视台2009年招标竞购资源有更深入的了解,本期将全面分析包括以CCTV-1《新闻联播》、《天气预报》、《焦点访谈》、电视剧及CCTV特殊项目等为主体的招标竞购资源的传播价值,以期能够帮助企业和广告代理公司更好地选择所需传播资源,达到理想的传播效果。 November 18, 2008, China Central Television will usher in the fifteenth gold resources advertising bidding. As the core carrier of China Central Television affecting China’s economy, gold resources advertising bidding has gone through 14 years. This 14 years, CCTV bidding and the majority of enterprises work side by side, accompanied by all the way. In the past 14 years, CCTV’s bid for gold resources advertising has witnessed the upsurge of China’s GDP, promoted the consumption upgrade, nurtured numerous emerging industries and made countless corporate brands. In the past 14 years, CCTV’s bid for gold resources advertisements has witnessed the growth of China’s economy and enterprises. It has also been advancing with the times and adjusted and innovated according to the needs of the market and the needs of enterprises. In 2009, in order to give priority to meeting the overall demand of bidding enterprises for quality resources of CCTV, the advertising department of CCTV expanded the tendering resources in 2009 into bidding resources and contracting resources. In order to allow readers to have a better understanding of CCTV’s bidding resources in 2009, this issue will provide a comprehensive analysis of CCTV-1 “news coverage”, “weather forecast”, “focus interviews”, TV dramas and CCTV special projects The subject’s bidding bidding resources spread the value, with a view to help enterprises and advertising agencies to better select the necessary resources for dissemination, to achieve the desired effect of communication.
【中图分类号】G630.8【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)17-0-02  苏霍姆林斯基在《给教师的建议》中谈到:“学校必须是一个‘精神王国’,而只有当学校出现了一个精神王国的时候,学校才能称其为学校。”那么,这个“精神王国”是什么呢?就是学校的“魂”,也就是学校文化。近年来,我校教育教学成绩年年名列全县前茅,教育教学工作跨越发展。原因何在?我认为,这得益于我校二十多年积
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【中图分类号】U41【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)17-0-01  自开展档案升级工作以来,各级公路交通部门都在积极开展此项工作,档案管理工作取得了一定成绩。但是由于受到历来不被重视的惯性思维影响,加之专业人员相对较少且工作又相对繁琐,形成了重视升级活动而放松平时管理的现状,其主要表现如下:  1.对档案管理认识不足。档案管理意识的缺乏,是档案工作发展的一大制约因素,直
Counties and cities under the jurisdiction of county are the basic administrative units in China.Under the planned economic system,they are essential to the org