我最近拍戏,原本觉得自己演皇帝应 该只要负责在宫里勾心斗角就好了,没想 到这正德皇帝特别喜武,非常喜欢骑马打 仗。他喜欢不要紧,可是苦了我了。 很小的时候第一次来北京。我爸就带 我到游乐园happy,就看到有骑马的游乐 项目。南方的孩子见到马的机会就很少, 更别说骑了。于是我就兴冲冲地骑了上 去,马懒洋洋地蹓跶了一会儿我就烦了,
I recently filming, had felt himself playing the emperor should be responsible for infighting in the palace as well, I did not expect this particular German emperor likes to march, very much like riding a war. He likes it does not matter, but bitter me. When I was young, I came to Beijing for the first time. My dad took me to the amusement park happy, I saw a horse riding rides. South children rarely see the horse, let alone ride. So I rushed excitedly riding up, lazy horse lazy for a while I was tired,