本文介绍在Sonoline 8000型超声实时扫描仪中应用的一种新型电子聚焦方法。该仪器用并行扫描法提供人体内的超声断层图象。超声换能器采用由许多元件排列成的探头,其频率为2.5~7 MHz。所有探头都具有准动态发射聚焦和动态接收聚焦作用。这两种聚焦装置,由于能使声能特别集中于很深的区域因而能获得较高的分辨率,这一点对于疗医诊断具有特别重大的意义。和以前的方法比较,本文讨论了具有新型聚焦的高速数字信号处理的操作方法。此外,文中还阐述了高集成度数字元件对于改善图象质量所具有的决定作用。
This article describes a new electronic focusing method used in the Sonoline 8000 real-time ultrasound scanner. The instrument uses parallel scanning to provide ultrasound tomographic images of the human body. Ultrasound transducers use probes that are arranged in a number of components and have a frequency of 2.5 to 7 MHz. All probes feature quasi-dynamic launch focus and dynamic receive focus. Both of these focusing devices are of particular importance for medical diagnosis because of the high resolution that can be achieved by focusing sound energy particularly in deep areas. Compared with the previous method, this paper discusses the operation of high-speed digital signal processing with new focus. In addition, the article also elaborates the decisive role of highly integrated digital components in improving image quality.