圣和发力 秸秆还田机产业整合加速

来源 :农机质量与监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:februaryliao
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混沌的秸秆还田机行业,随着国内知名农机具制造企业河北圣和农机有限公司的强力介入,有望得到加速整合。8月1日,300多名农机经销商齐聚地处河北宁晋的圣和农机,参加该公司举行的秸秆还田机装配流水线落成暨新产品展示会活动。圣和农机所在地,还以全国知名的农机大市场——大陆村农机市场而闻名。 Chaos straw cropland machine industry, with the well-known agricultural machinery manufacturers in Hebei Sheng and agricultural machinery Co., Ltd. strong intervention, is expected to be accelerated integration. August 1, more than 300 farm machinery dealers gathered in Ningjin, Hebei Sheng and agricultural machinery, to participate in the company held straw assembly line assembly of straw and new products exhibition activities. Sheng and agricultural machinery is located, but also to the well-known national agricultural machinery market - Continental village agricultural machinery market is known.