【摘 要】
Investment Climate BoostAs foreign-invested enterprisesare becoming the importantcomponent of the nationaleconomy, China is attracting foreigncapital to the high and newtechnology industry, modernserv
Investment Climate BoostAs foreign-invested enterprisesare becoming the importantcomponent of the nationaleconomy, China is attracting foreigncapital to the high and newtechnology industry, modernservice industry, new energy andenergy-saving and environmentalprotection industry and highendmanufacturing, accordingto the latest directives issued bythe State Council. The directivesalso encourage foreign investmentto shift from the eastern tothe central and western regionsto develop the labor-intensiveindustries qualified for environmentalprotection in accordancewith the country’s western regiondevelopment strategy.
The rich and colorful cultural activitiesat the Shanghai World Expo are greatto explore during this last month ofthe event’s run. During the Expo’s 180-dayrun, visitors have experienced more than1,000
China has long been known for its largepopulation of bicyclists. Cycling has becomesuch an ordinary part of life thatno one pays much attention to it. However, atthe Shanghai World Expo’s African Join
With trade of over $100 billion in 2009, the importance of China andAfrica bilateral exchanges are growing daily. This blooming relationshipincreases the need of understanding the ways of doing busine
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region makesa crescent arc along China’s northern border.On its northernmost tip is Hulun Buirprefecture, famous as the birthplace of GenghisKhan. Sharing borders with both M
Size Not EverythingChina’s economy has made remarkable gains in the last decade to achieve its recently obtained position as theworld’s second largest economy. However, mixed indicators raise the ques
A malaria-free Africa? It might justhappen. A newly opened laboratory atMali’s University of Bamako is in theprocess of engineering mosquitoes that willbe able resist malaria. Focused on breedinggenet
T he year 2004 witnessed anextremely prosperous steelindustry. Soaring steel prices andhuge profits had attracted manyinves- tors to contribute to the creationof new factories.One of those visionaries
African Union (AU) Chairman Jean Ping recently sat down with China Radio Internationalreporter Ding Bangying in Kigali, Rwanda to talk about his views onthe state of Sino-African relations. Excerpts f
Every issue, ChinAfrica briefs readers on two major Chinese cities and their African sistercities. Covered this month are Chengdu and Fuzhou, the capital cities of SichuanProvince and Fujian Province,
Following what could be described as a breathlessthree-day diplomatic visit to China at the end ofAugust, South African President Jacob Zuma hasfinally come full circle with his BRIC tour. Describedby