
来源 :宋史研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinslin5043
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本文通过梳理明清时人记录北京民俗的各类文献,发掘其中对宋代的记忆、考证、回溯与想象,由此分析“宋”在明清北京所承栽的符号意义与象征含义。在明清北京市民心目中,宋代合乎道统、礼制完备、经济发达、都城壮丽、工艺精巧,故而应为京城之典范。而明清之际北京市民身份的彻底变化,也使宋文化的符号意义发生了改变。如果说宋在明代更多意味着“正统”所在的话,在清代,它则成了合法性与权力的象征。 In this paper, I will sort out the various records of Beijing folklore in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and explore the memory, textual research, backtracking and imagination of the Song Dynasty, and analyze the symbolic meanings and symbolic meanings of “Song ” in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the eyes of the people of Beijing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Song Dynasty was in line with the unification, the integrity of the etiquette, the developed economy, the magnificent city and the exquisite craftsmanship. Therefore, it should be a model of the capital city. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the complete change of citizenship in Beijing also changed the symbolic meaning of Song culture. If Song more means “orthodox” in the Ming Dynasty, it became a symbol of legitimacy and power in the Qing Dynasty.