
来源 :郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:melancholy111
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对清末司法改革目前有三种评价:一是旧权力的残喘,二是近代化的权舆,三是一种权宜的做法。事实与逻辑在学术研究的客观性与主观性上是变动不居的。对于清末司法改革的动机、行动与成效三个核心问题,视角转变,评判也随之改变,是视角决定了评判。因此,应警惕任何一种绝对的评判,对开拓出相关的问题有着重要的学术意义。 At present, there are three kinds of judgments on the judicial reform in the late Qing Dynasty: one is the old power’s respite, the other is the right of modernization and the third is an expedient approach. Facts and logic are subject to change in the objectivity and subjectivity of academic research. For the three core issues of motivation, action and effectiveness of judiciary reform in the late Qing Dynasty, the perspective changes and judgments also change. Therefore, we should be alert to any kind of absolute judgment and have important academic significance in opening up relevant issues.
刘昆是东汉的一名官员,在他任江陵县令时,江陵发生大火,顷刻间烧毁了数百间民房。心急如焚的刘昆跪地向火不停磕頭,就在这时,天空下起了瓢泼大雨,大火很快被浇灭了。后来他又被调任弘农郡太守。在他上任的那天,曾为害弘农郡的老虎纷纷渡河逃到对岸,自此虎患绝迹。  这两件怪事在民间和官场都被传得沸沸扬扬,刘昆被大家看作下凡的“圣人”。光武帝听说后,便招他入宫询问。刘昆苦笑道:“这纯粹只是巧合。发生大火的那天,