记者获悉,铁道部、教育部和国家语言文字工作委员会日前联合发出《关于进一步加强铁路系统语言文字规范化工作的通知》(以下简称《通知》)。 《通知》指出:“准确及时地传递和处理信息是铁路安全生产、正点行车的基本保证。在全路大力推广普通话和积极推进文字应用规范化,有利于进一步提高广大干部职工的素质和服务质量,树立良好的行业形象,增强市场竞争能力,提高企业经营效益。作
The reporter was informed that the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission have recently jointly issued the “Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardization of Language in the Railway System” (the “Notice”). The Circular states: "The accurate and timely delivery and handling of information is the basic guarantee for the safe production and punctual operation of the railway. The vigorous promotion of Putonghua throughout the road and the active promotion of standardization of written application are conducive to further improving the quality and service quality of cadres and workers. Establish a good industrial image, enhance market competitiveness, improve business efficiency