维护党团结统一的重要法宝 如何坚持民主集中制原则

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1949年3月,新中国成立前夕,在太行山东麓一个叫西柏坡的普通小山村,党的七届二中全会胜利召开。毛泽东同志在会议总结中详细阐述了党委会的工作方法,强调坚持民主集中制是实现党委会领导的重要工作方法。时至今日,民主集中制的科学性和重要性早已经受住了历史的检验。民主集中制是党的根本组织制度和领导制度,是党内政治生活正常开展的重要制度保障。 In March 1949, on the eve of the founding of New China, the 7th Plenary of the 2nd Plenary of the 7th CPC Central Committee was held in an ordinary hill village called Xibaipo in the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains. Comrade Mao Tse-tung elaborated the working methods of the party committees in the summary of the meeting and emphasized that upholding democratic centralism is an important method of work to lead the party committees. Today, the scientific nature and importance of democratic centralism have long been tested by history. Democratic centralism is the fundamental organizational system and leading system of the party and an important institutional guarantee for the normal conduct of political life within the party.