地球上最优秀的创业者、最疯狂的极客,正在远航、下水。他们以海洋为平台,做一个疯狂的社会实验:将自由市场的竞争机制引入政府,让1000+个政府互相竞争,公民们可以像选择手机一样自由选择自己的政府。Q:谁说人类的创造只发生在陆地上?“不理智号”的黑天鹅实验“不理智号”(Unreasonable At Sea)鸣笛下水的一瞬间,一种类似乔布斯在苹果大楼展开巨幅海盗旗似的热血感在海面弥散开。2013年1月7日,圣地亚哥港口,一艘长
The best entrepreneur on earth, the craziest geek, is voyage and launching. Using the ocean as a platform, they are doing a crazy social experiment: introducing a free market competition mechanism into the government, allowing 1000+ governments to compete with each other and citizens being free to choose their own government just like choosing a cellphone. Q: Who says human creation happens only on land? “Irrational number” black swan experiment “Unreasonable At Sea” Whistling into the water a moment, similar to Jobs in the Apple Building A huge pirate flag like a sense of warmth spread in the sea. January 7, 2013, San Diego Port, a captain