产气假单孢菌常常从重症监护病人的呼吸道中分离出来。这种细菌常与肺炎和败血症有关,死亡率较高。这种感染,即使长期注射昂贵的抗生素都也难以控制。文本用EDTA 喷雾治疗与注射青霉素G 结合,成功地使重症监护病房中4个病人呼吸道中假单孢茵根除。这种治疗以前用于动物和患膀胱纤维化病人及铅中毒病人已取得成功。其作用机制可能是EDTA 调节,增加保持细胞完整性所必需的镁离子。治疗方案:0.6gEDTA 钙溶于300ml 蒸馏水中,通过气管切开术用Devibliss 喷雾器喷雾24小时,疗
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is often isolated from the respiratory tract of intensive care patients. This bacteria often associated with pneumonia and sepsis, the mortality rate is higher. This infection, even if the long-term injection of expensive antibiotics are difficult to control. The text was combined with injection of penicillin G with EDTA spray therapy, successfully eradication of Pseudomonas sp. In the respiratory tract of 4 patients in the intensive care unit. This treatment has previously been used successfully in animals and patients suffering from cystic fibrosis and lead poisoning. Its mechanism of action may be EDTA regulation, increasing the magnesium ions necessary to maintain cell integrity. Treatment regimen: 0.6g EDTA calcium dissolved in 300ml distilled water, sprayed by Devibliss sprayer for 24 hours via tracheostomy,