1. I am one of the richest countries in the world. My largest city is Zürich1 (not the capital). A long range of mountains called the Alps run through my small little landlocked country.2 What am I?
A. Austria
B. Switzerland C. Demark3
D. Estonia4
E. France
3. I am an island west of the U.K. My capital is Dublin. My flag colors are green, white, and orange. What am I?
A. Iceland
B. Poland
C. Germany
D. Romania
E. Ireland A
2. I am a landlocked country. My people speak German. My capital is Vienna. What am I?
A. Czech Republic5
B. Germany
C. Slovak6
D. Austria
E. Italy
4. I only border one other European country. I am home to the Azores7. What am I?
A. U.K.
B. Iceland
C. Portugal
D. France
E. Spain A
A. Austria
B. Switzerland C. Demark3
D. Estonia4
E. France
3. I am an island west of the U.K. My capital is Dublin. My flag colors are green, white, and orange. What am I?
A. Iceland
B. Poland
C. Germany
D. Romania
E. Ireland A
2. I am a landlocked country. My people speak German. My capital is Vienna. What am I?
A. Czech Republic5
B. Germany
C. Slovak6
D. Austria
E. Italy
4. I only border one other European country. I am home to the Azores7. What am I?
A. U.K.
B. Iceland
C. Portugal
D. France
E. Spain A