To body coordination, symmetry, only on the basis of a comprehensive exercise, in order to create a bodybuilding standards fit body. Fitness exercise is based on the practice of various parts of the body muscles. If the practice, partial pursuit of a muscle group or a certain piece of muscle exercises, the result not only failed to achieve bodybuilding, but also easily lead to the development of the body deformity. If only practice the chest does not practice the arm, only practicing upper extremity not practicing lower extremities, or only practicing the thigh not practice calf, over time, interference will form a serious imbalance in the body parts of the body muscles, affecting the overall body shape. Therefore, the only way to achieve a coordinated and well-proportioned body shape is to develop each muscle piece in a planned manner and pay attention to all-round exercise so that the muscles in various parts of the body will be coordinated and well-proportioned.