德国比泽尔的制冷和空调专业技术享誉全球,中国大巴空调应用比泽尔制冷压缩机,绿点服务体系全方位为客户服务和解决问题,推进着新能源城市公交客车前行与发展。《城市公共交通》杂志社近期对比泽尔运输销售总监Oliver Rathfelder进行了专访。《城市公共交通》杂志社:制冷和空调已经成为全球关注的一个重要的产业,比泽尔在80余年的发展中一直以创新的产品和优质的服务贡献于这个行业。与此同时,广泛的产品类别帮助比泽尔为客户提供了高质量的解决方案。众所周知,比
Germany Bezier refrigeration and air-conditioning expertise world-renowned, China’s bus air-conditioning applications Bitzer refrigeration compressor, green point service system for all customer service and solve problems, promote the new energy city bus forward and development. City Public Transport magazine recently interviewed Oliver Rathfelder, Beziers transportation director. Urban Public Transport Magazine: Refrigeration and air conditioning have become an important industry of global concern and Bezier has been contributing to the industry for more than 80 years with innovative products and excellent service. In the meantime, a broad product portfolio has helped Bitzer provide customers with high-quality solutions. As we all know, than