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通过阐述土石比变化对土体干密度、孔隙度、抗剪强度的影响,分析了不同土石比、应力和密实度条件下土石混合物的抗剪强度机理。结果表明:土石混合物的最大干密度由粗细粒的百分比决定,不同成分组成混合物的百分含量界限值接近;土石混合物的孔隙度取决于粗细粒的百分比,混合物的孔隙度低于纯黏粒和纯粗粒的孔隙度;无论样品的压力多大,随着压实度的增大,孔隙度减小,并趋向最小值;土石混合物的抗剪强度参数值不仅与土石比有关,还与其密实度、所受应力有关。 Through the influence of the change of soil-rock ratio on the dry density, porosity and shear strength of soil, the shear strength mechanism of soil-stone mixture under different soil-rock-mass ratio, stress and density is analyzed. The results show that the maximum dry density of soil-rock mixture is determined by the percentage of coarse and fine granules, and the limits of percentages of the mixture of different components are close. The porosity of soil-stone mixture depends on the percentage of coarse and fine granules, and the porosity of the mixture is lower than pure clay and Pure coarse grain porosity; regardless of the sample pressure, with the increase of compaction, the porosity decreases and tends to the minimum; shear strength of soil-rock mixture parameters not only with the rock-soil ratio, but also with its density , Stress-related.
第四届中国—阿拉伯国家广播电视合作论坛10月17日在浙江杭州开幕。中共中央政治局委员、中宣部部长黄坤明出席开幕式,宣读习近平主席贺信并发表主旨演讲。中宣部副部长、广电总局党组书记、局长聂辰席主持开幕式,浙江省委书记车俊、省长袁家军及阿尔及利亚新闻部部长哈桑·拉贝希、阿拉伯联盟驻华大使马哈穆德·艾勒艾敏等出席活动并致辞。  黄坤明指出,习近平主席的贺信充分体现了对中阿友好关系的高度重视,高度肯定了中
Aromatic carbonyl compounds are one type of the most important organic compounds, and the reductions ofthem by hydride agents such as LiAlH4 or NaBH4 are widely