
来源 :钢铁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenda1982
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钢铁生产过程中会产生大量含铁粉尘,目前最为可行的处理方法是将粉尘造球,并利用转底炉生产金属化球团。采用化学分析、激光粒度、BET比表面积和X射线衍射方法对烧结、高炉及电炉3种含铁锌粉尘基本物性进行分析,在此基础上,进一步对3种含铁锌粉尘进行圆盘造球,从成球动力学和生球强度两个方面考察含铁锌粉尘适宜的造球参数。试验结果表明,烧结粉尘具有良好的成球性能,但是在目前试验条件下其生球强度难以达标;电炉粉尘黏结性太强,在造球过程中黏盘严重,两者皆不适宜单独用来造球;高炉粉尘不仅具有良好的成球性能,还具有很强的生球强度,在保证生球产量和质量的情况下,高炉粉尘适宜的造球参数为,圆盘造球时间为20 min,膨润土加入量为2%,造球水分为12.5%~13.0%,圆盘转速为27~31 r/min,圆盘给料量为5 kg。 Iron and steel production process will produce large amounts of dust, the most feasible approach is to dust the ball, and the use of rotary hearth furnace production of metal pellets. The basic physical properties of three iron-bearing zinc dusts, including sintering, blast furnace and electric furnace, were analyzed by chemical analysis, laser particle size, BET surface area and X-ray diffraction. On the basis of this analysis, three kinds of iron- , From the ball forming kinetics and ball strength of two aspects of iron-bearing zinc dust suitable ball making parameters. The test results show that the sintering dust has good performance of ball forming, but under the current experimental conditions, the green strength of the ball is hard to reach the standard. The dust adhesion of the electric furnace is too strong, and the stickiness of the oil plate during the pelletizing process is serious. Making the ball; blast furnace dust not only has a good performance into the ball, but also has a strong green ball strength, green ball in ensuring the output and quality of circumstances, blast furnace dust appropriate ball making parameters, ball pelletizing time of 20 min 2% bentonite, 12.5% ​​~ 13.0% pelleting water, 27 ~ 31 r / min disk rotation and 5 kg disk feeding.