人们绝大部分的知识都是借助感官获得的,在语言教学和学习中,尤其如此。因为我们对生 词、句型、语法的学习一般都要经过感觉、注意和认知三个环节。 感觉:心理学认为,当人体的任何感官(眼、耳、鼻等)受到内、外部环境的某种刺激时,就会产生某种感觉。比如,各种声波冲击耳鼓就扰动听觉,只要我们仔细倾听,就会发现我们周围有许多不曾注意的声音。老师在黑板上写字我们就看到了字的形状。女同学用了化妆品,我们就会闻到香味,等等。
Most of the people’s knowledge is obtained through the senses, especially in language teaching and learning. Because we generally learn about words, sentence patterns, and grammar, we must pass three steps: feeling, attention, and cognition. Feeling: Psychology believes that when any sense of the human body (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) is stimulated by some kind of internal and external environment, it will produce a feeling. For example, a variety of sound waves impinge on the eardrum to perturb the hearing. As long as we listen carefully, we will find that there are many unnoticed sounds around us. When the teacher wrote on the blackboard, we saw the shape of the word. Female students use cosmetics, we will smell scent, and so on.