
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahclgc
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南京人素喜花卉,花开时节,几乎处处飘香溢彩,古城更添秀色。过去,人们都用传统方法养花。近几年来,一种新的栽培技术应运而生,无土养花已从实验室走向社会,在很多企事业单位和家庭扎下了根,展示出广阔的前景。南京市农林局、园林局十分重视这项新技术的推广和应用。两年时间举办了十二期无土栽培训练班,有八百余人参加学习,培养了一大批骨干力量。1983年5月,莫愁湖公园首次举办大型无土盆花展览。翌年,江苏省花木展销会南京馆再次展出无土栽培花卉,均为南京花卉栽培的盛事,影响很大。无土栽培优点颇多,不少单位 Nanjing people like flowers, blooming season, almost everywhere fragrant colors, the ancient city even more Xiuse. In the past, people used traditional methods to raise flowers. In recent years, a new cultivation technique came into being. Soilless flower cultivation has moved from the laboratory to the society. It has taken root in many enterprises, institutions and families and has shown broad prospects. Nanjing Agriculture and Forestry Bureau, Garden Authority attaches great importance to the promotion and application of this new technology. Twelve years held twelve soilless cultivation training courses, more than 800 people attended the study, cultivating a large number of backbone forces. May 1983, Mochou Lake Park for the first time held a large potted flower exhibition. The following year, Nanjing Flower and Garden Fair in Jiangsu Province again exhibited soilless culture flowers, are Nanjing flower cultivation event, a great impact. Many advantages of soilless culture, many units
分析了开关电源噪声产生的原因,从切断噪声传播途径和减小噪声源两个方面介绍了减小噪声的具体方法。 The reason of switching power supply noise is analyzed. The concr
健康的性爱能改变一个家庭一成不变的生活方式。医学专家通过长期的科学研究和临床试验发现,性爱对身体健康有巨大的促进作用。美国的一项研究显示,每周两次性生活,对男 Hea