
来源 :中国战略新兴产业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freeskykq
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2015年,中国文化娱乐产业进入快速发展期,总体规模达到4500亿元。电影票房首次突破400亿元,国产电影表现亮眼;视频的免费模式被逐渐打破,在线视频行业迎来了付费浪潮;粉丝经济带动下,IP市场火爆程度超出想象……数据显示,到2020年,文化娱乐产业总体规模有望达到一万亿元。在万亿级市场规模的驱动下,文化娱乐产业持续保持高关注度,资本对于文化娱乐的热情空前高涨,以 In 2015, China’s cultural and entertainment industry has entered a period of rapid development with an overall size of 450 billion yuan. The movie box office for the first time exceeded 400 billion yuan, dazzling performance of domestic movies; video free mode was gradually broken, ushered in the online video industry paid wave; fan economy, driven by the IP market is beyond the imagination ... ... data show that by 2020 The overall scale of culture and entertainment industry is expected to reach one trillion yuan. Driven by the scale of one trillion market, the cultural and entertainment industry continued to maintain a high degree of attention. The enthusiasm of capital for culture and entertainment was soaring