Research of Temperature Tracer Method to Detect Tubular Leakage Passage in Earth-Dam

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daihongjun2
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The location, intensity and scope of concentrated leakage must be determined in order to repair earth-Dam scoured by the leakage. In this paper, firstly, heat tracer theory and distribution laws of temperature in soil body with leakage are discussed. Then temperature tracer model is established according to stable heat conduction theory. In such model, the concentrated seepage passage is simplified into a circular pipe as a boundary condition. The location, scope and flow-velocity of the concentrated leakage are estimated via ichnography of the lowest temperature based on temperature data from detecting wells by quantitative computation and qualitative analysis. In case study, the distribution characteristic of temperature (including temperature data of water in reservoir, drainage pipes and tail pond) can be interpreted by this model. A modified model is also set up, applied for detected data at different cross-sections of the leakage passage, in which the temperature data are rectified according to distances from data locations to calculating section. Finally, the model is solved by numerical iterative method, and the possible error of this theoretical model is discussed. The permeability coefficient in leakage area is identical with that of normal soil in magnitude after anti-seepage repairing accomplished, which indicates this model is effective. The location, intensity and scope of concentrated leakage must be determined in order to repair earth-Dam scoured by leakage. In this paper, first, heat tracer theory and distribution laws of temperature in soil body with leakage are discussed. Then temperature tracer model is established according to stable heat conduction theory. In such models, the concentrated seepage passage is simplified into a circular pipe as a boundary condition. The location, scope and flow-velocity of the concentrated leakage are estimated via ichnography of the lowest temperature based on temperature data from detecting wells by quantitative computation and qualitative analysis. In case study, the distribution characteristic of temperature (including temperature data of water in reservoir, drainage pipes and tail pond) can be interpreted by this model. A modified model is also set up , applied for detected data at different cross-sections of the leakage passage, in which the temperature data are rectifi Finally, the model is solved by numerical iterative method, and the possible error of this theoretical model is discussed. The permeability coefficient in leakage area is identical with that of normal soil in magnitude after anti -seepage repaired accomplished, which indicates this model is effective.
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