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税收优惠问题按中国现行税制规定,内外企业所得税法定名义税率都是33%,由于减免税优惠和费用扣除政策的不同,造成实际税负产生很大差别,内资企业所得税率为33%,外资企业所得税率大约15%,相差一倍多。这种税收上的优惠待遇在引进外资初期曾发挥了重要的积极作用。但随着中国加入世贸组织,许多行业、产业部逐步放开,内外资企业之间竞争越来越明显,问题自然就暴露出来。最终结果一是税收差异导致竞争上的不平等;二是造成外资企业通过各种避税手段转移利润。特别是在中国加入 WTO 后,更凸显出目前的税制有违其最基本的平等原则,也不符合世贸组织倡导的自由贸易和平等竞争原则。 According to the current tax system in China, the statutory nominal tax rate for both domestic and overseas corporate income tax is 33%. Due to the different tax deduction and deduction policies, the actual tax burden is greatly different. The income tax rate for domestic-funded enterprises is 33% Income tax rate of about 15%, more than doubled. This kind of preferential tax treatment has played an important and positive role in the early stage of introducing foreign capital. However, with China’s accession to the WTO, many industries and industries have been gradually liberalized and the competition among domestic and foreign-funded enterprises has become more and more obvious. The problems are naturally exposed. The final result is that tax differences lead to competition inequality; second, foreign-funded enterprises are allowed to transfer profits through various tax avoidance measures. Especially after China’s accession to the WTO, it highlights even more that the current tax system runs counter to its most basic principle of equality and does not conform to the principle of free trade and equal competition advocated by the WTO.
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【摘 要】随着社会的进步和计算机技术的发展,SUPER VLAN技术的应用越来越广泛,对SUPER VLAN技术在局域网中应用的研究已经成了当下网络信息行业相关领域研究的一个重要话题。本文对SUPER VLAN技术进行了介绍和研究,并且阐述了SUPER VLAN技术在局域网中的应用及重要作用,同时详细描述了SUPER VLAN技术的实现和在应用中应克服的安全隐患。  【关键词】SUPER VLAN
本期杂志“首发文章”这一部分,选自2007年9月在墨西哥城举行的第15届“大脑与攻击性行为国际学术讨论会”(In-ternational Colloquium on the Brain and Aggression,简称CIC
本研究采用体外人红细胞和大鼠肝组织切片孵育的方法,观察甲醇的转化过程。结果表明,在红细胞和肝脏中甲醛较快地转化为甲酸,并与剂量和时间相关。 In this study, in vitro
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