美国小布什新政府上任以后, 反复重申坚持一个中国的政策。由于世界上的头号强国坚持一个中国政策,可以预见未来的几年内,台湾独立的可能性基本可以排除。这也就意味着大陆基本上暂时不需要用武力来解决台湾问题。所以,未来的几年内,台湾问题的重心将会转移到政治和经济上。也就是说,未来几年两岸间的政治和经济互动将会决定两岸关系长远的走向。
After taking office, the new Bush administration in the United States repeatedly reiterated its adherence to the one-China policy. Since the world’s number one powerhouse adheres to the one-China policy, it can be foreseen that the possibility of Taiwan’s independence can basically be ruled out in the coming years. This means that the mainland basically does not need to use force to solve the Taiwan issue for the moment. Therefore, in the coming years, the focus of the Taiwan issue will shift to political and economic issues. In other words, the political and economic interaction between the two sides will determine the long-term trend of cross-Strait relations in the coming years.