1998年以来,安徽省定远县纪委、监察局大力加强机关队伍建设。通过抓班子强核心、抓作风树形象、抓业务争一流,使机关面貌和队伍建设发生了很大变化,促进了党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的深入开展。 抓班子强核心 1998年,定远县在纪委换届中,从县纪委内部选配5名政
Since 1998, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Dingyuan County, Anhui Province, has made great efforts to strengthen the construction of organ groups. By grasping the core of the team and focusing on the image of a style of work tree and focusing on business competition, great changes have taken place in the appearance of the organ and in the building of the contingent and the promotion of the party style work and the anti-corruption work. Grasp the core of a strong team In 1998, Dingyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection in the election, from the Commission for Discipline Inspection within the five optional