蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟最高蘇維埃主席團主席什維爾尼克同志: 中國人民、中國政府和我自己,懷着無限悲痛的心情,獲悉了中國人民最親密的朋友和偉大的導師斯大林同志逝世的消息。這不僅是蘇聯人民而且也是中國人民和整個和平民主陣營以及全世界愛好和平的人民的無可估量的損失。我現在謹代表中國人民、中國政府,並以我個人的名義,向您及蘇聯人民和蘇聯政府表示最沉痛的哀悼。
Comrade Sir Svilnick, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Chinese people, the Chinese government and myself, with infinite grief, were informed of the passing of Comrade Stalin, the closest friend and great teacher of the Chinese people. This is an immeasurable loss not only for the Soviet people but also for the Chinese people and the camp of peace and democracy as a whole and the peace-loving people of the world. I now, on behalf of the Chinese people, the Chinese government, and in my own name, convey the deepest condolences to you, the Soviet people and the Soviet government.