Words that are similar in meaning are called “synonyms.” Synonyms are only “similar” and not “equal”. Some are different in meaning, some are different in usage, and some are different in two aspects. Every language has this phenomenon, not only in Chinese. Chinese words are developing in the direction of polyphonic words, with fewer and fewer monosyllabic words. There are four types of synonym for polyphony: (i) Words are different but similar in meaning and usage, such as “usual” and “ordinary”; (ii) only one word is the same, such as “significant” and “ ”And“ firm ”; (3) the same word and the same or similar pronunciation of the other word, such as“ needs ”and“ needs ”,“ proper ”and“ proper ”; (4) The same pronunciation of the same shape, such as “time” and “Kung Fu.” The second, third and fourth categories of synonyms have the same and similar words, because