图书馆是社会文献信息的存贮和传递中心,也是社会主义精神文明建设的重要基地。在当前黑龙江省全面贯彻落实全国教育工作会议精神,全方位推进素质教育之际,如何做好当前少儿的素质教育工作,已引起各方的关心和重视。 1.充分认识少儿教育的社会意义,是图书馆办好少儿教育基地的前提少年儿童是祖国的未来和希望,是21世纪的建设者。图书馆是人们增长知识,启迪心灵的重要阵
Library is the storage and transmission center of social document information, and also an important base for the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. At present, Heilongjiang Province has fully implemented the spirit of the National Education Conference and promoted all-round quality education. How to do a good job in the current quality education for children has aroused the concern and attention of all parties. 1. Fully understanding the social significance of children’s education is the prerequisite for libraries to run a well-educated children’s education base. The children and adolescents are the future and hope of the motherland and are the builders of the 21st century. Library is an important matrix for people to increase their knowledge and enlighten their minds