女性,23岁,已婚,住院号3397。1980年7月始出现尿频。1984年2月尿频加重,白天约20余次,夜间约10分钟1次。1986年初排尿呈点滴状,伴尿道灼热痛,不能同房。经外院诊治无效转我院就诊。体检:消瘦,慢性病容。胸腹检查无异常发现。阴道前壁饱满,可触及质硬如石的鸡蛋大小之包块,阴道粘膜下触诊有碎石磨擦感。经尿道外口插入探条约1.5cm 探及结石。KUB 见尿道区有一约5×2.5×3cm 致密影,呈蕈状,可见分层,顶端延
Female, 23 years old, married, hospital number 3397. Frequent urination occurred in July 1980. Urine frequency increased in February 1984, about 20 times during the day and about 10 minutes at night. Early 1986 urination was drip-like, with urethral burning pain, can not be the same room. The hospital treatment invalid transfer to our hospital. Physical examination: weight loss, chronic disease. No abnormal chest and abdomen examination found. Vaginal anterior wall full, hard to reach as hard as the size of the egg mass of the palpable vaginal palpable gravel friction. Transurethral external probe into the probe about 1.5cm exploration and stones. KUB see urethra area has a compact film about 5 × 2.5 × 3cm, was mushroom-like, visible stratification, the top extension