68 cases of late pregnancy except pregnant women with abnormal fetal head basin anomalies and carboplatin in contraindications to the application of cardiotomy suppository vaginal fornix administration termination of pregnancy. According to the initial gestational age given dose according to the contractions and labor progress, decided to 4 ~ 6h after administration or not and dose. The maximum number of doses 5 times, the maximum dose of 2.33mg. 48h to give regular contractions within the effective standard for induction of labor, induction of labor was 97.05%. Induction of uterine rupture without rupture and uterine rupture occurred, no maternal deaths and fetal infant deaths, the incidence of intrauterine asphyxia was 11.48%, the incidence of neonatal asphyxia were 6.6% and 1.6 %. The results show that: carbowime suppositories for late pregnancy induction of labor is effective and safe. Strengthening fetal heart rate monitoring and other measures of contractions, early detection and treatment of fetal distress, can further improve the safety of induced labor.