学生在作文中滥用错用词的现象普遍而严重。因此,在讲解课文中,加强副词的教学,对提高学生的阅读与习作能力是有帮助的。 今以《藤野先生》一课为例,试谈一下我的作法与体会。 《藤野先生》是鲁迅先生回忆青年时期留学日本在仙台学医生活的散文。文章洋溢着爱国主义的思想感情,文情并茂,且用词十分准确。其中“无非”、“实在”、“大概”、“居然”、“何尝”、“似乎”等副词的运用,不仅起到语法作用,使句子结构完整,并且对作者所寄寓的深沉的思想感情表达得十分贴切,准确。因此,在讲读课文时,就需要抓住这些副词,扣紧课文原句,突出作品的思想内
Students abuse the wrong words in the composition of the common and serious. Therefore, to explain the text, to strengthen the teaching of adverbs, to improve students’ reading and writing ability is helpful. Now take “Mr. Fujino” lesson as an example, talk about my practice and experience. “Mr. Fujino” is a prose that Mr. Lu Xun recalled when he was young in Japan and studied medicine in Sendai. Papers filled with the thoughts and feelings of patriotism, Wenqing Mao Mao, and the wording is very accurate. The use of such adverbs as “nothing more,” “truth,” “about,” “actually,” “taste,” “seems” not only serves as a grammatical function and makes the sentence structure intact, but also impresses upon the author’s profound thoughts and feelings Express very appropriate and accurate. Therefore, in reading the text, we need to seize these adverbs, clasping the original sentence of the text, highlighting the idea of the work