Thirty Days in America

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At the invitation of the Center for Foreign Journalists (CFJ) in America, seven other Chinese women journalists and I attended a monthlong work/study program in the United States that focused on women and development. The program was organized and administered by CFJ and was carried out in Washington D.C., New York and San Francisco. The head of our delegation was Chen Xiuxia, the vice-chairwoman of the All-China Journalist’s Association Subcommission for Communication. The six other members were representatives of major national newspapers based in Beijing. They were: Chen Yi from Economics Daily, Hu Shuli from China Business Times, Li Xing from China Daily, Mu Ya from People’s Daily, Wang Weiqun from China Youth Daily and Xiong Lei from Xinhua News Agency. At the invitation of the Center for Foreign Journalists (CFJ) in America, seven other Chinese women journalists and I attended a month long work / study program in the United States that focused on women and development. The program was organized and administered by CFJ and was carried out in Washington DC, New York and San Francisco. The head of delegation was Chen Xiuxia, the vice-chairwoman of the All-China Journalist’s Association Subcommission for Communication. The six other members were representatives of the major national newspapers based in Beijing. They were: Chen Yi from Economics Daily, Hu Shuli from China Business Times, Li Xing from China Daily, Mu Ya from People’s Daily, Wang Weiqun from China Youth Daily and Xiong Lei from Xinhua News Agency.
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