岗位培训的跟踪考察,是检验岗位培训效果的一种行之有效的方法.考核的重点是学员将学到的知识转化为能力的程度及取得效益的情况。本文就开展岗位培训跟踪考察问题,谈谈作者的几点粗浅看法。一、岗位培训跟踪考察的必要性 1.跟踪考察是检验岗位培训真实效果的一条有效途径岗位培训的跟踪考察是岗位培训一项不可缺少的重要工作,却未能普遍引起各级领导和职教部门的足够重视,因而,没有全面充分反映出岗位培训给经济建设带来的巨大效果,在一定程度上影响了岗位培
The follow-up inspection of job training is an effective way to test the effect of job training, and the examination focuses on the extent to which the trainees will learn the knowledge and obtain the benefits. This article will carry out job training to track the inspection questions, to talk about the author’s few superficial views. First, the need for job training follow-up inspection 1. Follow-up inspection is an effective way to test the real effect of job training Post-job training is an important and indispensable job training job tracking, but failed to lead to a general leadership and vocational education at all levels Departments pay enough attention, therefore, did not fully reflect fully the job training to the great effect of economic construction, to a certain extent, affected the job training