本文对居住在内蒙古的汉族人群19个STR基因座遗传多态性进行调查,为该地区汉族人群法医学个体识别、亲权鉴定以及群体遗传学研究提供基础数据。1材料与方法1.1样本收集在内蒙古地区居住的汉族无关个体的血样462份,其中男244份,女218份。纳入条件:1三代以上居住内蒙古地区;2三代以内无与其他民族通婚史;3无恶性肿瘤史、取样前1个月无输血史。1.2 DNA提取及分型检验
In this study, we investigated the genetic polymorphisms of 19 STR loci in the Han nationality living in Inner Mongolia, and provided the basic data for forensic identification, paternity test and population genetics in Han population in this area. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Sample Collection 462 blood samples were collected from unrelated Han-related individuals living in Inner Mongolia, including 244 males and 218 females. Inclusion conditions: 1 more than three generations living in Inner Mongolia; two or three generations of no history of intermarriage with other ethnic groups; 3 no history of malignant tumor, blood sampling history before 1 month. 1.2 DNA extraction and typing test